Nature-Cide All Purpose Concentrate

$88.00 USD
64 fl oz

Nature-Cide All Purpose Concentrate has been formulated to manage a variety of listed pests for both residential and commercial use. Unlike most 25(b) exempt products, Nature-Cide All Purpose Concentrate has a light, pleasant aroma. The product is OMRI Listed® in the following Generic Material Listing(s): NOP: Botanical Pesticides, Class: Processing Pest Controls. For use in post-harvest handling of raw agricultural commodities. The 25(b) exempt label allows the PMP to treat sensitive areas such as: mattresses, bedding, furniture, food processing, nursing homes, day care centers, hospitals, zoo’s and so much more. Nature-Cide All Purpose Concentrate is proven effective to kill by contact: ants, bedbugs, caterpillars, cockroaches, earwigs, fleas, flies, hornets, mites, mosquitoes, moths, silverfish, spiders, stink bugs and ticks. Nature-Cide All Purpose Concentrate is safe to use daily without any harm to most washable surfaces. There are no known health risks to humans, animals or the environment when this product is used as directed. Nature-Cide products are proudly made in the USA.

Features & Benefits:

  • OMRI Listed Product
  • All Natural
  • Made in the USA
  • Light, Pleasant Aroma
  • Registered with the EPA in the state's that require it
  • Developed by a Licensed California Pest Control Service
  • Full Service Solution that gives the ability to eradicate pest quickly and discreetly
  • Kills ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes, ticks and other insects by contact
  • Available as 8 oz., 16 oz., 32 oz. ready to use and 64 oz., 1 gallon, 5 gallon and 55 gallon concentrate

Ingredients: Clove Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Water, Soap, Glycerin, Myristic Acid, Potassium Oleate, and Potassium Stearate


Nature-Cide Distributors

Click here to view the Florida Journal of Mosquito Control Study.

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