Nature-Cide All Purpose Aerosol

5.0 out of 5 stars 68 Reviews
Quantity: Single Can

A light gentle spray will kill on contact Cockroaches (American, German, Oriental and smoky brown), Ants (Pharaoh, red imported and Argentine), Fleas (cat flea adults and larvae), Ticks (brown dog), Flies (blue bottle and houseflies), Bed Bugs, House Spiders, Aphids, Mites (poultry), silverfish, European Earwigs, Clothes Moths, Beetles (Confused flour, cigarette, Colorado potato and Asian Lady), Boxelder Bugs, Silver Leaf Whiteflies, Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, Mosquitoes, Caterpillars (diamondback moths and beet armyworms), Hornets and Yellow Jackets. Nature-Cide All Purpose Insecticide is Non-Hazardous and Non- Flammable. There are no known health risks to humans, animals or the environment when this product is used as directed. Nature-Cide products are proudly made in the USA.

Features & Benefits:

  • All Natural
  • Made in the USA
  • Light, Pleasant Aroma
  • Registered with the EPA in the state's that require it
  • Developed by a Licensed California Pest Control Service
  • Full Service Solution that gives the ability to eradicate pest quickly and discreetly
  • Kills ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes, ticks and other insects by contact
  • Available as 8 oz., 16 oz., 32 oz. ready to use and 64 oz., 1 gallon, 5 gallon and 55 gallon concentrate

Ingredients: Clove Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Glycerin, Myristic Acid, Soap, and Water


Nature-Cide Distributors

Click here to view the Florida Journal of Mosquito Control Study.

5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars
David Verified Buyer

Works fast!

"I am not sure if this is magic exilir or what but I had a mosquito and spider infestation in my home and after spraying in the targeted areas within one day there was no more scratching from the mosquitos or the spiders. I highly recommend!"

Laura Verified Buyer


"VERY EFFECTIVE. Kills immediately on contact. Very impressive. Highly recommend."

Chris Wenzel Verified Buyer

Great product

"Great product. Does the job well. I would order again."

Marie S Verified Buyer

Safe works and smells good

"My issue this Ppring was carpet beetles by the slider door. What a tiny little bug that can cause so much chaos, I treated the tracks and handled the pests directly as well.. within a week they were gone...I love that it is safe for pets and no chemicals or chemical odor.. smells like essential oils...this also helped with ants as well.. living on a slab in a condo Spring is a challenge at times for insects.. easy to use .. will ALWAYS have a can on hand to he safe and ready for the unwanted insects."

All Natural

Nature-Cide products
are all naturall.

Proven Effective

10+ years of research and
development behind them.


Registered with the EPA
in the States that
require it.

Made in USA

Proudly made
in the USA.

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